The COVID pandemic has been rough on everybody, whether or not you or a loved one were infected with the virus. It’s been difficult adjusting to a “new normal,” and it’s particularly challenging if you have been cooped up for months with your roommates in your apartment. Here are some ideas for keeping your sanity and maintaining friendships and relationships inside and outside of your apartment community.
- Social distancing. That’s next to impossible when you all share common the same space but try to do your best by working from home in your bedroom. You can social distance in the common areas of your apartment complex like the hallways, elevators, mailboxes and laundry room. Wear a mask when you go outside your apartment, even if it is only for a few moments. You don’t know who has just been out there, their state of health and what type of PPE they were using.
- Be mindful of noise. The neighbors above, below or on either side of you are staying at home, too. Keep the noise down. You never know if a neighbor works night shift or needs to sleep during daytime hours.
- Be patient. Everyone is coping differently with the pandemic; some people may be terrified of contracting the virus, whereas others may have a more cavalier attitude. Tempers might be short; people might be tired or emotional. Be mindful of people you encounter out in public, as well as your roommates.
- Buy only what you need. With the exception of disinfecting wipes, the supply chain has stabilized since the empty-shelf days of March and April. Unless there are extenuating circumstances in your community, there is no need to hoard supplies. Leave some for other shoppers.
- Volunteer. If you have older neighbors or other neighbors who are high-risk, offer to help. Can you pick up a few groceries? Take out their trash for them? Walk their dog? A little kindness goes a long way.
Lastly, take good care of yourself. If you feel sick, stay home and away from your roommates and neighbors. Practice good self-care. Immerse yourself in a good book or show on Netflix or Hulu. Meditate, journal or take up a new (or old) hobby. Talk to people. Eat a healthy diet and exercise. You know all of this stuff. Being the best you that you can be right now will help you keep peace of mind and relieve the stress of navigating this journey we’re all on together.