How to Reduce Utility Costs in the Summer

Learn how to reduce your utility costs in the summer without sacrificing comfort.

You don’t need to look at the thermometer to know that summer has arrived. As the heat and humidity soar, so can your energy bills if you aren’t careful. Summers in Central Ohio can get pretty hot and if you want to stay comfortable without blowing your budget, here are some easy, inexpensive ideas you can try to keep your apartment cool and your reduce utility costs in the summer.

  1. Unplug appliances when they’re not in use. Even if an appliance or device is turned off, it is still consuming energy. You can buy smart power strips that will completely shut off the gadget when it goes into sleep mode. 
  2. Keep the drapes and blinds closed. When it’s cool in the mornings, you might open your windows. That’s great, but when you close the windows, close the blinds and drapes, too. This will block out the sun and heat. 
  3. Insulate. This might sound counter-productive, but insulation can also keep your apartment cool.  Like in the winter, use weather-stripping around the windows to seal any gaps. You can also roll up a towel and place it against the bottom of your front door to prevent cool air from escaping.
  4. Get a smart thermostat. You can program the thermostat to raise the indoor temperature during the day when you’re not home. Towards the end of the day, the thermostat will kick the A/C on, so it’s nice and cool when you get home from work. If your apartment doesn’t already have a smart thermostat, you can buy them online and some utility companies provide them to reduce utility costs in the summer.
  5. Don’t use the oven. That’s why microwaves were invented (and carryout/delivery). Turning on the oven heats up the entire apartment and your AC has to work extra hard to cool the place down. If you must use the oven, try to do so in the evening when it’s cooler.
  6. Put your ceiling fan to work for you. As heat rises, the ceiling fan will trap it above the blades and reduce the overall temperature in the room. If you can, adjust the fan’s rotation to counterclockwise, which will provide even more cooling benefits.

Summer doesn’t last forever and you can survive the sweltering heat and not blow your budget. By implementing even just a few tips, you can reduce utility costs in the summer without sacrificing comfort.



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